
Cornerstone of Development

2024-03-16 11:45:20

Talent is thedriving force of the Company’s development. In line with the people-orientedprinciple, we provide open, inclusive, and fair job opportunities and a workingenvironment, establish competitive compensation and incentive mechanisms, andbuild diverse and smooth channels for career development to consistentlyimprove the talent cultivation system. By establishing a rich variety ofplatforms for industry-university-research exchanges, we are committed toenhancing the overall qualities and capabilities of employees and achievingmutual growth for both employees and the Company.

n  Our Performance

l  In 2023, totalnumber of employees: 28,048, proportionof female employees: 42.68%

l  In 2023, proportion of social insurance coverage:100%, signing rate of labor contract:100%

l  In 2023,number of security drills: 193, participants in safety relatedtrainings: 127,387

l  In 2023, 6,000+ “NeverExpired Pharmacy” partners in 200+ Citiesand regions, 1,800+ tons expireddrugs recycled and 700+ million peoplebenefited

n Our Approach to Cornerstone of Development

Talent is thefoundation of the Company and the primary force for its sustainabledevelopment. Adhering to the principle of diversity and inclusiveness, wesafeguard employees’ legitimate rights and interests, provide them withcomprehensive compensation and welfare benefits and set up a systematic talenttraining system. We care for employees’ well-being and strive to nurture asupportive atmosphere, thus achieving harmonious development of employees andthe Company.

Upholding the principleof “Life First” and aiming at “Zero Accident, Zero Causality”, we prioritizeemployees’ health and safety. We make continuous efforts to enhance the safetyand occupational health management systems, and strengthen risk prevention andemergency response management, striving to provide employees with a healthy andsafe working environment.

Committed to ourcommitment to the philosophy of “spreading love all over the world”, weintegrate the pharmaceutical resources in the Company, leverage its industryadvantages, and keep an eye on areas closely related to corporate and industrydevelopment. Our key actions prioritize topics such as the recycling of expireddrug, sound development in the community, services for vulnerable groups, andcharitable assistance. We proactively practice social responsibility,contribute to the health and prosperity of communities, and play a significantrole in advancing the development of the Healthy China Initiative.

n Our Stories
